Tuesday, October 7, 2008

website reaction

I read an article that i found on cyberjournalist.net about the Gates/Seinfeld Microsoft ads, and how they differed so much in viewers from the "I'm a PC" ads. The article dealt with the difference in viral efficiency of both ads, and how the Gates ad was so much more successful because it evoked response on the web. From what the ad said, the comments on the Gates video had more adjectives, while the "I'm a PC" ads had more nouns, showing that the Gates ad had more of an emotional effect on viewers.
The problem I had with this article was a lack of visuals. Although there was one small picture at the beginning, there was nothing for the reader to watch or look at, unless you clicked the links which took you to a new site to view the videos. I thought this was interesting that they decided not to simply incorporate those videos into the actual article.

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