Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rock the Vote Draws a Small Crowd

HAMDEN, Conn.-- MTV's Rock the Vote campaign has been a staple of the American youth voter movement for close to 20 years. Quinnipiac joined the cause this past weekend, holding a small rally for the students in Buckman Theater.

The turnout was good for a political event on campus, with about 100 students showing up at first.

The major setback came when the two hosts, Syrus and Brooke from The Real World, showed up over an hour late, which caused many students to leave after registering.

"The event went a lot better than I expected, considering the circumstances," said Mark Miller, the Student Programming Board's chair for the event. "Although a lot of people left because of the celebrities being late, we managed to get a lot of them to register first."

Many students were surprised by the hosts' knowledge of the issues and the candidates' stances on them.

"I was really impressed that they were genuinely interested in the topic and that they knew a lot about both Obama and McCain," said Glenn Stark, a junior at Quinnipiac.

"Overall I would say it was a success," said Miller.

This event is just one of the many that Quinnipiac organizations are planning on holding as the election draws nearer, so keep reading for updates as November 4th approaches.

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